The last Beale Teen Summer Reading program was a bunch of fun. For Jean-ology, the participants took old pairs of jeans and cut out the back pockets and turned them into little magnet pouches! There were fabric markers, and glue on beads to make each one a custom design. All who came had a great time! Check out the photos here: Jean-ology!
Okay I have been a little behind in my book reviews, so here are two to make up for last week and this week!
Stardust by Neil Gaiman
In the sleepy English countryside of yeas past, is the small village of Wall that has stood on a spot of granite for about six hundred years. Just outside of the village stands a high stone wall, for which it is named. Here in Wall, young Tristran Thorn has fallen hopelessly in love with the beautiful Victoria Forester. One night, as they watch the sky, a shooting star falls from the sky, and Victoria promises to marry Tristran if he would just that star and bring it back to her. It is this promise that sends Tristran through a gap in the wall, across the meadow, and into the most unforgettable adventure of his life. For there is a reason the wall stands there, and it doesn't just seperate one meadow from another. Tristran encounters witchs, feuding brothers, a star that is not what he thought it would be, and even lightning catching sky pirates. This wild ride is a delight and about a billion times better than the movie!
Wizards First Rule by Terry Goodkind
In the aftermath of the brutal murder of his father, a mysterious woman, Kahlan Amnell, appears in Richard Cypher's forest sanctuary seeking help ... and more. Without slightest knowledge of what he was to get into; his world, his very beliefs, are shattered when ancient debts come due with thundering violence. Richard, Kahlan, and Zed (an old family friend of Richards, who is much more than he appears) set out to literally save the world from bad guy. The bad guy, Lord Rhal, is as a bad as they come and he will do anything to get his hands on Richard and Kahlan...why them, well they both carry secrets that could save or possibly destroy the world.
For those of you that have seen the TV series "Legend of the Seeker" this is the book it is all based on, and one that will capture the imagination, and keep you up late at night reading just one more page.
In the sleepy English countryside of yeas past, is the small village of Wall that has stood on a spot of granite for about six hundred years. Just outside of the village stands a high stone wall, for which it is named. Here in Wall, young Tristran Thorn has fallen hopelessly in love with the beautiful Victoria Forester. One night, as they watch the sky, a shooting star falls from the sky, and Victoria promises to marry Tristran if he would just that star and bring it back to her. It is this promise that sends Tristran through a gap in the wall, across the meadow, and into the most unforgettable adventure of his life. For there is a reason the wall stands there, and it doesn't just seperate one meadow from another. Tristran encounters witchs, feuding brothers, a star that is not what he thought it would be, and even lightning catching sky pirates. This wild ride is a delight and about a billion times better than the movie!
In the aftermath of the brutal murder of his father, a mysterious woman, Kahlan Amnell, appears in Richard Cypher's forest sanctuary seeking help ... and more. Without slightest knowledge of what he was to get into; his world, his very beliefs, are shattered when ancient debts come due with thundering violence. Richard, Kahlan, and Zed (an old family friend of Richards, who is much more than he appears) set out to literally save the world from bad guy. The bad guy, Lord Rhal, is as a bad as they come and he will do anything to get his hands on Richard and Kahlan...why them, well they both carry secrets that could save or possibly destroy the world.
For those of you that have seen the TV series "Legend of the Seeker" this is the book it is all based on, and one that will capture the imagination, and keep you up late at night reading just one more page.
Last Friday we had "3D Cardboard and Duct Tape Art" at the Beale. We had a great turn out and the participants had tons of fun!
As you can see lots of work went into the art projects, check out more photos and some of the complete projects here Card Board Art!
As you can see lots of work went into the art projects, check out more photos and some of the complete projects here Card Board Art!
Here is a brief rundown of the events a the in-town branches this week!
Thursday, June 25th
Holloway-Gonzales Branch @3pm - "Scrapbooking: Beyond the Paper Page!"
Southwest Branch @3pm - "Duct Tape Creations"
Friday, June 26th
Beale Memorial @3pm - "Jean-ology: create awesome art out of your jeans"
Saturday, June 27th
Baker Branch @3:15 - "Scrapbooking: Beyond the Paper Page!"
Thursday, June 25th
Holloway-Gonzales Branch @3pm - "Scrapbooking: Beyond the Paper Page!"
Southwest Branch @3pm - "Duct Tape Creations"
Friday, June 26th
Beale Memorial @3pm - "Jean-ology: create awesome art out of your jeans"
Saturday, June 27th
Baker Branch @3:15 - "Scrapbooking: Beyond the Paper Page!"
Here is a quick rundown of the events going on this week for the Teen Summer Reading Program in the in town branches.
Wednesday, June 17th
Rathbun Branch @2pm: "Create Life-Sized Portraits" Teens are invited to the library to make life sized portraits and color them in with their artistic abilities.
Thursday, June 18th
Southwest Branch @3pm: "Society of Eyes Upon Words Summer Book Group" Come and disucss great books with fellow teens!
Northeast Branch @7pm: "Mask Making: Unmask your Secret Identity!" Teens are invited to this great event to create awesome masks.
Friday, June 19th
Beale Memorial Library @3pm: "3-d Cardboard and Duct Tape Art" Come on down to the Beale and test your creative abilities with Cardboard, Duct Tape, and pens to create 3-D Art!
Wednesday, June 17th
Rathbun Branch @2pm: "Create Life-Sized Portraits" Teens are invited to the library to make life sized portraits and color them in with their artistic abilities.
Thursday, June 18th
Southwest Branch @3pm: "Society of Eyes Upon Words Summer Book Group" Come and disucss great books with fellow teens!
Northeast Branch @7pm: "Mask Making: Unmask your Secret Identity!" Teens are invited to this great event to create awesome masks.
Friday, June 19th
Beale Memorial Library @3pm: "3-d Cardboard and Duct Tape Art" Come on down to the Beale and test your creative abilities with Cardboard, Duct Tape, and pens to create 3-D Art!
There have been several find programs so far for the Teen Summer Reading, but I had the privliage of hosting the Magician David Reichelt here at the Beale last week and it was very cool. David specializes in slight of hand or what some like to call "street magic" (think Chris Angel but without the TV show and cameras). A great crowed turned out fo the event ( albeit most of the crowd were children and parents, there were teens there too!), and all had a great time. He graciously demonstrated several card tricks and even taught the audience some basics with decks of cards for all the audience to take home. Included in this blog are some pictures of the event.
Now remember there are more Teen events going on at all the libraries, so be sure to check the county website or go to your local branch and find out about the other cool events happening this Summer!
Seventeen-year-old techno-geek “w1n5t0n” (aka Marcus) constantly bypasses his high school’s gait-recognition system (recognizes who you are by the way you walk) by placing pebbles in his shoes, chats secretly with friends on his IMParanoid messaging program, and routinely evades school security with his laptop, cell, WifiFnder, and ingenuity. One day while skipping school to participate in Harajuku Fun Madness (think WoW meets Geo Cashing), Markus and his friends are caught near the site of a massive terrorist attack on San Francisco and held by the Department of Homeland Security for six days (on Alcatraz of all places!) of interrogation. After he gets out he vows to use his techno skills to fight back against an increasingly frightening system of surveillance and loss of privacy. Set in an all to real world the book blurs the lines between current and potential technologies, and you get to find out how Markus attempts to stage a techno-revolution with just a cheap XBox and friends. There is great discussion of politics and liberties and it is even interesting to read! All teens who use Twitter, MySpace and any other such programs must read this book!
This is a link to the Library Catalog for the book : Little Brother
That's right, starting today Kern County Summer Reading Program begins! Teens You are invited to sign up at your local library, or go online to the Kern County Web page and print out your own reading log.
This week the first Teen events begin, you can go to:
Wilson Branch: Wednesday June 10th @4pm, Anime Show and Tell
Southwest Branch: Thursday June 11th @3pm, Anime Film Screening and Costume Contest.
Holloway-Gonzales Branch: Thursday June 11th @3:15, Mask Making
Beale Library: Thursday June 12th @3pm in the Tejon Room: Macgician David Reichelt
Don't miss these exciting events and stay tuned for updates, reviews, pictures, and more all summer long!
This week the first Teen events begin, you can go to:
Wilson Branch: Wednesday June 10th @4pm, Anime Show and Tell
Southwest Branch: Thursday June 11th @3pm, Anime Film Screening and Costume Contest.
Holloway-Gonzales Branch: Thursday June 11th @3:15, Mask Making
Beale Library: Thursday June 12th @3pm in the Tejon Room: Macgician David Reichelt
Don't miss these exciting events and stay tuned for updates, reviews, pictures, and more all summer long!
That's right Summer Reading will officially being on June 8th at the Kern County Library! Although I am pushing the Teen aspect of it you can go to this site and check out all the information. Kern County Summer Reading Program!
The big thing is for all you teens out there, there is a program just for you! Go to your local library and pick up a Teen Reading Record (or you can just download and print your own here: Teen Reading Record!). Once you have read ten books (they can be anything at all, all we ask is that you find a good book for your reading level), filled out the record, and then turn it in at your local library and you get a free book and some other cool prizes too!
Be sure to keep up to date with the special Twitter Feed of the events and goings on for the Summer reading program; @KCLibSRPTeen
Now the Summer Reading Program is not all just about reading books (but its the best part!) there are some great programs that will be offered at the various branches here in Bakersfield. I want to point out the first event here at the Beale, David Reichelt a fantastic slight of hand magician, will be at the Beale on June 12th @3pm in the Tejon Room. This event should be fantastic learning some cool secrets of magic and even get to learn some tricks too! Also to point out would be the Anime Film Screening and Costume Contest at the Southwest Branch on June 11th @3pm, go and watch a great Anime and dress up in your favorite costume! The Wilson Branch will also be doing an Anime Show and Tell on June 10th @4pm, which sounds like a lot of fun. These are just a few events to point out, be sure to check the website for more dates and events throughout the county!
The big thing is for all you teens out there, there is a program just for you! Go to your local library and pick up a Teen Reading Record (or you can just download and print your own here: Teen Reading Record!). Once you have read ten books (they can be anything at all, all we ask is that you find a good book for your reading level), filled out the record, and then turn it in at your local library and you get a free book and some other cool prizes too!
Be sure to keep up to date with the special Twitter Feed of the events and goings on for the Summer reading program; @KCLibSRPTeen
Now the Summer Reading Program is not all just about reading books (but its the best part!) there are some great programs that will be offered at the various branches here in Bakersfield. I want to point out the first event here at the Beale, David Reichelt a fantastic slight of hand magician, will be at the Beale on June 12th @3pm in the Tejon Room. This event should be fantastic learning some cool secrets of magic and even get to learn some tricks too! Also to point out would be the Anime Film Screening and Costume Contest at the Southwest Branch on June 11th @3pm, go and watch a great Anime and dress up in your favorite costume! The Wilson Branch will also be doing an Anime Show and Tell on June 10th @4pm, which sounds like a lot of fun. These are just a few events to point out, be sure to check the website for more dates and events throughout the county!