What is the Teen Advisory Group?
TAG! is a volunteer group of teens who work with the teen librarians to provide a teen perspective on the services and materials that the Kern County Library offers.

What does TAG! do?
The possibilities are endless! What TAG does is partly determined by the members, but here are some ideas:
  • Suggest or recommend books, CDs and movies for the library collection
  • Help plan, organize and attend teen programs
  • Volunteer at library events
  • Help with programs for little kids
  • Design posters and create displays
  • Write reviews for the library's teen page and teen blog
Why should I join TAG? What's in it for me?
First of all, it's a lot of fun and there's always food involved. It's also a chance to give your opinion and thoughts on what the library offers for teens. Your ideas will make a difference! Also, membership in TAG looks great on college applications.

Who can join TAG?
TAG membership is open to students in grades 7-12. You may continue to serve on TAG until you graduate from high school or turn 19 years old, whichever is first. Members must follow library policies and guidelines and behave in a manner appropriate for a representative of TAG and the Kern County Library.

How often does it meet?
TAG meets once per month for an hour to discuss issues that relate to teens and the library. (Currently, the meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 4:00 pm.)

How do I join?
You can always stop by when TAG meets, check it out and decide if you want to join. Please contact one of the teen librarians if you want your name added to our member's list.

More questions?
Feel free to ask! Rachel Cox and David Meeks are always lurking around the Beale Memorial Library and are happy to help anytime!
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